Acupuncture on Queen Anne
Links and Contact info

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Just click this address to send us e-mail regarding Chinese Medicine or massage:

email: Pamela Alt, EAMP, LMP
(please include "acupuncture" or "massage" in the subject line for faster response)

For questions about Chiropractic:    

Whole Health Chiropractic Seattle

Or give us a call at (206) 378-5755

NCCAOM- promotes and certifies high standards in the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

NCCAOM - great resource for acupuncture information!

Not close to Our Clinic? Need to find an acupuncturist in your area? Acufinder features a comprehensive online database of acupuncture providers, photos, resources, advice, decision support tools, and more.

Give people in need help, not a handout. This organization has the right idea. Loan as little as $25 and make a difference.

Body Mind Spirit Directory has listings for Natural Health Practitioners and Products. Links to Holistic Health, Spirituality, Organics, Sustainable Living, Metaphysics, and More!

Qi Journal- The Journal of Traditional Eastern Health and Fitness-
great links and information!

Qi Journal


Gancao has a good list of links  pertaining to Chinese Medicine.


Free directory of complementary medicine Acupressure to Zen - worldwide connections to many different forms of medicine and healing.

TAOISM! So hard to find good information on it nowadays. This is a great resource for hunting down research!
A self-help site with links to many resources:

Find therapists by city at directory


Linketeria Website Directory
- Search useful internet resources for the
general public. Websites are listed by popularity and sites that exchange links are
clearly labeled. Webmasters add your URL and get free promotion instantly!

Pamela Alt, EAMP, LMP
Whole Health Chiropractic
2206 Queen Anne Ave N. Suite 201 
Seattle, WA 98109

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