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Pamela Alt, EAMP, LMP

Pamela Alt,EAMP, LMP                  

I hold a Master's degree in Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine through Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine.

I graduated from Wesleyan University in 1996 (BA, English major).

I am nationally and state certified to practice acupuncture (Washington State license number AC2546) and massage ( MA00014561).
In order to obtain licensure in Washington State, an acupuncturist must first complete both clinical and academic training through a recognized acupuncture program.  The progam at SIOM is taught by Doctors of Oriental Medicine from China and Licensed Acupuncturists from the United States. In addition to the required education in acupuncture, I studied herbal medicine at SIOM. We were also required to learn to read Medical Chinese for the purposes of research and study. 
I have received extensive training in Tuina (Chinese Therapeutic Massage, see other pages on this site for more information), Swedish, and Deep Tissue massage through SIOM, Bastyr University and through Seattle's Brenneke ( now Cortiva) School of Massage.  I have been licensed to practice massage by the state of Washington since 2000.  I also traveled to China to learn more about how acupuncture and herbal medicine is practiced there, and I read medical Chinese for research and education purposes. I completed the first year of the Naturopathic Medicine program at Bastyr University, which gave me a very complete education in the basic sciences, before deciding to focus on acupuncture and massage as healing modalities.

I am also a certified Kripalu Yoga Instructor, and I have been employed at the University Family YMCA as a massage therapist since 2000.
Through my clinical and didactic education, I have had experience in treating a wide range of disorders and diseases using minimally invasive, holistic techniques. My treatments are designed to treat the individual as a whole, not just the symptom which presents itself.


Seattle Institute of Oriental Medicine

Cortiva School of Massage - Seattle

Bastyr University


Wesleyan University

Samuel Tong M.Sc., D.C.
Dr. Samuel Tong's main interests are in the functional influence of our body's structure on our nervous system.  He is continually furthering his knowledge of this specialty of Chiropractic. 
As each of us is unique, we may require different types of Chiropractic care.  Dr. Samuel Tong individualizes the type of care by incorporating force and non-force techniques including Gonstead, Sacro-Occipital, Thompson, Activator, and Applied Kinesiology techniques.  He also utilizes Myofascial Release and Rehabilitative Exercise techniques to optimize the patient's care. 
Dr. Samuel Tong attended the prestigious Parker College of Chiropractic in Dallas, Texas, where he earned his Doctor of Chirpractic degree in 1999.  He also received his Masters of Science in Chemistry from McGill University in 1996, and his Bachelors of Science (honors) in Chemistry from the University of Western Ontario. 

Pamela Alt, EAMP, LAc
Dr. Samuel Tong M.Sc., D.C.
Whole Health Chiropractic
2206 Queen Anne Ave N, Suite 201 
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 378-5755

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